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F Chord for Ukulele
The fingering diagram to the left shows how to play the F chord on a ukulele with standard tuning (GCEA). Playing the F chord isn’t too difficult, so it should be an early addition to the ukulele student’s repertoire.
Learn to Master MORE than Just the F Chord on Your Ukulele!
The F chord is made up of the notes A, C, F, and the open 1st string plays another A note. Playing this 2nd A note isn’t critical, but it adds to the depth and quality of the sound if it can be played.
Every chord has its own characteristic or personality. In his 1784 essay “A History of Key Characteristics in the 18th and Early 19th Centuries,” composer Christian Schuber wrote about the quality of different chords. Of the E major chord he wrote, “Complaisance & Calm”. In 1876 the composer Ernst Pauer described the F chord as “at once full of peace and joy, but also expresses effectively a light, passing regret—a mournful, but not a deeply sorrowful feeling. It is, moreover, available for the expression of religious sentiment.” But you should reach your own conclusions.
The F chord is a much-needed tool in the ukulele players’ arsenal, as many popular songs and hymns are written in this key. Songs such as “Come Together” by the Beatles, “Layla” by Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way”, and many others were all composed in the key of F major.
For more chords, download our FREE printable chart containing 21 of the most used ukulele chords!
Learn MORE Than Just Chords!
Become a Ukulele Master!
Learning to play the ukulele involves much more than just knowing a list of chords. There are also strumming patterns, finger positions, holding the ukulele correctly, etc. Having someone show you how to play can be a game-changer. Having a knowledgeable mentor or instructor is the fastest way to improve your skills and boost your confidence. Self-taught musicians tend to form bad habits and techniques that prove difficult to break or can actually impede their growth as a musician.
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– Chinese Proverb